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Ozone Steam Sauna

3 Therapies in 1! Ozone, Steam and Infra-Red 🤍

What is Ozone Steam Therapy, and why is it good for us?

Ozone, Steam and Infra-red all have well-documented health benefits, so when combined provide a really powerful therapy for the body.


1. Ozone O3 (Tri-atomic Oxygen) is "super-charged activated" Oxygen O2.

Oxygen is the single most important nutrient for the body and your wellness. A lack of sufficient oxygen is a mayor cause of poor health, leading to conditions such as arthritis, low immunity, constant tiredness, cancer, regular colds and flu’s, hay fever, migraine, low vitality etc. 

When the body is flooded with an activated form of oxygen, namely ozone O3, people consistently report that these conditions as well as their general health, wellbeing and energy levels dramatically improve.

2. Distilled Pure Water Steam

By heating the interior of the pod with steam, not only is this a really lovely sensation and incredibly relaxing, but it also induces a heat-associated reaction. By raising the internal temperature of the body this artificial fever stimulates an increase in the number of white blood cells in the body, therefore boosting the immune system. In addition by sweating the body is able to eliminate toxins through the skin. It is estimated that as much as 30% of bodily wastes are eliminated by way of perspiration, in fact the skin has been called the third kidney. The additional dilation of the blood vessels increase oxygen, blood flow nutrient absorption and circulation.

3. Infrared Therapy

Infrared is an electromagnetic spectrum, and is part of the sun's invisible and very beneficial rays. Approximately 50% of the human body’s energy is generated in the form of nfrared rays, which is the ultimate healing and detoxifying boost.

Ozone Steam Infrared therapy combines these three treatments in one. In our modern world our bodies are constantly battling toxins from all around us, by boosting the immune system, our blood cells and removing toxins we are giving the body the best opportunity to fight back, and keep us as healthy as possible.


  • Promotes the metabolism

  • Detoxes the body

  • Reduces chances of development and spreading of cancer

  • Stimulates the immune system

  • Purifies the blood and lymph system

  • Reduces chances of shock and stroke

  • Prevents/reverses degenerative diseases

  • Eliminates auto-immune diseases

  • Speeds up the metabolic processes resulting in a loss of 200-450 calories in a 30 minute session

  • Boosts blood circulation, helping injured muscles to repair quicker. Stimulates the blood vessels relieving pain and speeding up the healing process

  • Eliminates bacterial and viral infections of all kinds

  • Better absorption of minerals

  • Relaxes and loosens muscles by reducing the build up of lactic acid and increasing muscle flexibility

  • Oxidises toxins so they can be eliminated through the skin, lungs, kidney and colon

  • Far infrared radiation is used to penetrate deep into the joint and surrounding tissues which increases blood flow, reduces inflammation and decrease pain


1. Who can use the Ozone Steam Pod?

Almost anyone over 16 years of age!

Except those with any heart condition, including having a pace-maker. It is not possible to have this therapy if you are pregnant. Wait at least 4 days after chemotherapy, and 2-3 months after major surgery before starting or continuing this therapy.  For any health conditions we advisedchecking with your doctor. If you have any other concerns about your suitability - just give us a call. Please note you must be physically able to climb into and out of the pod un-aided, if this not the case we are afraid you will not be able to use the pod.

Ozone steam therapy is absolutely prohibited to anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and we reserve the right to refuse entry to Float Zone Reading if we believe this may be the case. 

2. What do I need to bring with me?

The main thing with using the Ozone Steam Pod is to stay hydrated, both before and after the treatment. So please bring a water bottle with you.

3. Is it claustrophobic, and will I be nervous?

The head is outside of the pod at all times. The "doors" that fold in-front of you are not fixed in anyway, and can be opened at any time by the occupier.  You will have a towel (which we provide) wrapped loosely around you inside the pod, and the door of the room is not locked during the treatment, and the Float Zone team-member will pop in to check on you as much as you need. If at any time you wish the session to end, of course we will act upon that and help you out of the pod.

4. What do I wear?

This is a personal choice, some choose to wear swim-wear, others prefer to be naked - we leave this choice to you.  We will provide you with a lightweight wrap around towel which you can loosen once you are inside the pod, and replace again around yourself when the session ends and we come to assist you again. The room is a fully private room, which is yours for the duration.

5. How is the pod kept clean?

Ozone is Ozone (O3) is activated oxygen (O2), and in a short period of time the O3 molecule will revert back to oxygen. During this short half life cycle, the O3 molecule can be utilized for sanitation and sterilization purposes. Ozone inactivates viruses, bacteria, yeast, fungus and protozoa. Ozone is used in many industries as a sanitiser, and has no residual effect. So the ozone in the pod means it is an incredibly clean environment. The pod is also wiped down and refreshed by us in between every treatment. These things combined mean the pod looks as good as new for everyone! 

6. How should I prepare for my session.

Do not eat a large meal, drink alcohol or take prescription medicine before or after your session. Ozone can increase the absorption of medication, if you have any concerns please consult your doctor.

Do not shower after your session, wait at least two hours, as the ozone will continue to be absorbed from your skin. You will not feel like you need a shower, unlike other heat treatments, as the ozone and steam are incredibly cleansing - you will leave feeling very refreshed, and relaxed.


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